Feb 14, 2025  
2023 - 2025 Voorhees University Catalog 
2023 - 2025 Voorhees University Catalog

Student Conduct

Voorhees University strives to maintain a community that promotes and values the academic experience, institutional and personal integrity, justice, equality, and diversity. The University, therefore, believes in values that foster an environment where people can work, study, and recreate together as a community.

In establishing this community, it is necessary to state behavioral expectations for all students, which promotes the University’s values. The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to outline these behavioral expectations, and to provide an explanation of the process involved in responding to allegations of student misconduct, as well as detailing what actions the University shall take in dealing with policy violations.

A student attending Voorhees University agrees to be governed by the Student Code of Conduct, as well as other University policies. The Student Code of Conduct applies to each student who is enrolled, whether on campus or off, during sessions, or between semesters. The University, through the Office of Student Affairs, maintains the exclusive authority to impose sanctions for behaviors that violate the Student Code of Conduct, with the exception of an alleged violation of academic dishonesty. The Office of Academic Affairs imposes sanctions for violations of academic dishonesty.

The purpose of publishing disciplinary regulations is to give students general notice of prohibited behavior. This code is not written with the specificity of a criminal statute. These regulations should be read broadly and are not designed to define prohibited behavior in exhaustive terms.

All students at Voorhees University have access to the Student Code of Conduct. This document appears in its entirety on the Student Affairs link on the Voorhees University home page. In addition, limited hard copies of the Student Code of Conduct are available in each residence hall staff office, the Office of Student Affairs, Student Engagement, and the Student Government Association.

All students are responsible for reading Volume V (Student Life) of the Voorhees University Policy Manual. Each student is also expected to know and observe all values and behavioral expectations related to the Student Code of Conduct, and to be familiar with the information contained in all University publications.

Voorhees University is committed to providing fair and equitable treatment to all students in student disciplinary matters. It also has an equal obligation to protect its educational purpose and the interest of its student body; therefore, it must be concerned with the actions of individuals or groups that are in conflict with the welfare and integrity of the University or in disregard for the rights of other students, faculty or other members of the University community. All students, while associated with or representing the University, are expected to conduct themselves and community life in a manner that will reflect favorably upon the University. When students enter Voorhees University, it is assumed that they have a serious purpose and a sincere interest in their own social and intellectual development.

It is also assumed that they are familiar with the policies and regulations set forth for students at Voorhees University, and that they have accepted them as a way of life during their stay at the University. They are expected to learn to handle problems intelligently, reasonably and with consideration for the rights of others; to obey laws and ordinances of the nation, state, and community of which they, as well as the University, are a part; and to conduct themselves peaceably in espousing changes they may consider necessary.

Substance Abuse And Tobacco-free Campus Policies

In accordance with the University’s Alcohol and Drug Policy (see Volume II, Subsection 2.2.2 of the Policy and Procedures Manual), Voorhees University students are prohibited from using, possessing, manufacturing, dispensing, distributing or being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or illegal drugs on University-owned property, at University-sponsored activities, or while attending off-campus events as an official representative of the University.

In accordance with its Healthy Campus Initiative, Voorhees University is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive work and study environment for all faculty, staff and students. Voorhees University sought to become an entirely tobacco-free campus, effective September 1, 2013. At its May 2013 Board of Trustees Meeting, the Trustees approved the implementation of a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.

As reported by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), second-hand smoke (SHS) is responsible for an estimated 53,000 deaths per year in non-smokers. In addition, the United States Surgeon General’s 1986 report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, concluded the following: involuntary smoking is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in healthy nonsmokers.

The simple separation of smokers and non-smokers within the same air space may reduce, but does not eliminate, the exposure of the non-smoker to SHS.

The primary goal of this policy is to provide a 100% tobacco-free, smoke-free environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors within all campus facilities (including residence halls), vehicles, and grounds and at all sponsored events.

This goal will be achieved by:

  • Modeling healthy behavior for all students, faculty, staff, visitors and the entire University community
  • Utilizing tobacco use prevention awareness and education programming and materials, and
  • Providing access to cessation counseling and/or referral services for all students, faculty, and staff.

To maintain a tobacco-free campus, Voorhees University has implemented several new actions. The use of all tobacco products and/or paraphernalia is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco and tobacco products, and devices and substances containing tobacco by-products (e.g., e- cigarettes). Smoking is prohibited within business-owned, University-owned, or leased vehicles, or in buildings and on the grounds. This applies to offices, hallways, waiting rooms, restrooms, lunchrooms, elevators, meeting rooms, community areas, and all grounds and property of Voorhees University. Voorhees University will not accept any contributions or gifts, money, or materials from the tobacco industry. The University will not participate in any type of services funded by the tobacco industry. In addition, any gear, paraphernalia, clothing, etc., that advertises tobacco use or tobacco products will not be allowed on campus grounds or in the possession of students, faculty or staff at school-sponsored events. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, clients, contractors, and visitors.

Office Of Student Affairs/The Academic Center Of Excellence

The Policy will be made available to all faculty, staff, and students. “Tobacco-Free Campus” signs will be posted in appropriate places throughout the campus. Motor Pool vehicles will be equipped with appropriate tobacco- free signage. This policy will be introduced over a period of three months to provide for a smooth transition to a tobacco-free campus. Employees and students who smoke and would like to quit are invited to contact the Campus Health Services Department for a referral to appropriate smoking cessation programs.

The success of this policy is dependent upon the thoughtfulness, respect, and cooperation of everyone. All faculty members, staff and students share the responsibility of following and enforcing the policy. Any problems related to the policy should be referred to the designed campus representative.

All faculty, staff and students who do not comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. If there are questions regarding this policy, contact the Office of the Center of Excellence in Rural and Minority Health at (803) 780-1349.

Effective December 1, 2013, the Voorhees University Campus Security Department became the sole authority to fine individuals (employees, students and/or campus visitors, contractors, vendors, etc.) for violating the tobacco-free campus policy.

The following fees will apply:

  • First offense $10.00
  • Second offense $25.00
  • Third offense $50.00 (and all subsequent offenses)

Student Right To Know Act

The Voorhees University Campus Crime Report can be obtained by contacting the Office of Campus Security or the University Security link on the Voorhees University website.  Please refer to the University’s Campus Crime Reporting (Clery Act) Policy in Volume II, Subsection 2.3.2 of the Policy and Procedures Manual for additional information.

Student Health Services

The University provides a health facility located on the first floor of Halmi Hall and employs a nurse (LPN/RN). Students should seek medical assistance at the earliest sign of illness and are encouraged to utilize health services to maintain health and to decrease illness.

Students who need medical assistance should report to Health Center/Infirmary during the posted hours when the nurse is on-site. On-campus students who experience a medical emergency after business hours should report to their hall director for assistance; off-campus students should visit a local clinic or emergency room.

Students who incur emergency room costs or other medical costs are responsible for completing a claim form and submitting information to the insurance company and/or medical facility, which provided care.

Note: The student is responsible for payment of medical care that is provided by a physician, dentist, hospital, or emergency medical service provider. Insurance coverage for medical and dental care is the responsibility of the student. Each student is encouraged to have an insurance plan in place prior to attending Voorhees University.

Voorhees University encourages students concerned with health/wellness issues (e.g., asthma, diabetes, hypertension, depression, pregnancy, STD’s, etc.) to seek assistance from Health Services.

The University reserves the right to require a student to move from the Residence Halls, if he/she has a contagious disease, disrupts the University Community, or endangers the health, safety or property of any member of that community.

Documentation of a health service visit will only be granted to students who report an illness/injury prior to the time of work or class.

Mental Health Services

University staff works closely with the staff of the Community Mental Health Center to meet the needs of our students. Mental Health Services may be accessed by calling Bamberg County Mental Health Clinic 803-793- 4274. Phone assessments can be completed to determine students need to determine the urgency/need to request or secure an appointment with a social worker and/or psychiatrist.

Student Government

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official voice of the student body. Our mission is to protect the rights and privileges of the Voorhees University student body.

The SGA’s goals are:

  1. To work effectively as a group in making decisions and solving problems.
  2. To reach out to our constituents in order to determine the issues that concerns them.
  3. To properly represent our constituency.
  4. To have an active SGA, where every member is working, making a difference, and accomplishing goals for the betterment of Voorhees University.
  5. To plan, design, implement and evaluate activities for our constituency that will be informational, entertaining and educational.

Religious Life

Voorhees University has a great and cherished religious tradition. The Office of the Chaplain functions to facilitate an environment of spiritual development. This office also serves as the center for religious activities, as it coordinates and promotes programs of spiritual enrichment on the campus. The religious outreach of the University is ecumenical and warmly embraces students, faculty, and staff members from a wide variety of religious denominations.

Further spiritual growth is sought in the areas of ethics and values, morals, and understanding or religious choices and conversion, the comprehensive ministry assists in making campus life a richer and more meaningful experience.

Voorhees University, founded in a Christian setting, bearing a Christian motto, and believing that each personality should be anchored in lasting values, provides for its academic community a varied program of religious activities. All students should take advantage of the following stabilizing services and activities: religious activities include Bible study, annual Religious Emphasis Week celebrations, Tuesday All University Worship, and spiritual awareness sessions. Students are invited to become involved in these programs and events.

Religious activities at Voorhees University emphasize moral and spiritual values, which are necessary for one’s total development. These activities provide opportunities and experience for worship, spiritual enrichment, and personal growth.

Chapel Services

Religious activities at Voorhees University emphasize moral and spiritual values, which are necessary for one’s total development. These activities provide opportunities and experience for worship, spiritual enrichment, and personal growth. At St. Philip’s Chapel, weekly Chapel Services are held on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and Eucharistic worship services are held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Part of the Voorhees University tradition is regular attendance at chapel services. All students are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in chapel services. In the chapel, students and faculty have the privilege of hearing guest speakers and ministers from the local community, minister members of the University, faculty, staff, and students. In addition, students can obtain cultural enrichment points by attending chapel.

For more than 90 years, St. Philip’s Chapel has become a sacred space that occupies a unique place on the Voorhees University campus. This edifice provides space for anyone seeking to pray and meditate. We encourage every student, faculty, staff, administrator, and visitor to use this sacred space in moments of personal distress, strain or great thankfulness.

Intramural Activities

The intramurals program is designed to offer each individual (not participating in intercollegiate athletics) the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that will contribute to wholesome personality development, stimulate interest in recreational athletic activities, and create a spirit of good sportsmanship through healthy and fun competition. The following intramural sports are offered: flag football, volleyball, tennis, soccer, basketball, and aquatics. Intramural dates and team registration information are available in the Office of Student Engagement located in Wilkinson Hall or from the Intramural Coordinator located in the gym.

Student Organizations

Greek Organizations

Voorhees University has traditionally hosted chapters of eight national Greek-letter organizations on the campus. Since their founding after the turn of the 20th century, African-American fraternities and sororities have made significant contributions to the human development process. Existing often in hostile educational and social environments at their home campuses, Black Greek-lettered organizations have extended for their members and for the broader community a constructive tradition. This tradition has included academic support, bonding in extended families, community service, and the promotion of ideas and values that have aided personal and group development.

At Voorhees University, this proud tradition has also included involvement at all levels with activities and programs of service to the University and the student body in general. The Greek-letter organizations include Alpha Phi Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, Kappa Alpha Psi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho. Each organization must have at least two advisors, and at least one advisor must be employed by Voorhees University. All members and candidates for membership are mandated to attend the anti-hazing workshop annually.

Non-Greek Student Organizations

Each student organization and activity must be registered in the Office of Student Life & Development, with a copy of the charter and a list of the names of the current officers on file. Permission must be obtained from the administration of the University to start a new organization on campus. Each organization must have at least two advisors, and at least one advisor must be employed by Voorhees University.

No later than May 1st annually, all organizations are required to submit to the Director of Student Engagement a list of proposed events for the next academic year. No event will be listed on the Master Calendar without approval by the Director of Student Engagement. Additional events should be scheduled in the Office of the Coordinator of Student Activities at least two weeks in advance.

Active membership in chartered non-Greek student organizations shall be limited to faculty and staff, full-time enrolled students, or part-time students, with the approval of the organization’s advisor.

A student shall not be considered an active member and is not eligible for participation in an organization or club unless his or her name is included on the membership roster and he/she has at least a 2.0-grade point average.

All members and candidates for membership are mandated to attend the anti-hazing workshop annually.